We Believe
in God.
Worship Times:
Evansville, Indiana

Welcome to the Turning Pointe
At the Turning Pointe, we believe in God. He is powerful, loving, and involved in the world. God came to earth in the person of Jesus – who was a real human, and also really God. Jesus’ life is our model, his death is our restoration, and his resurrection is our hope. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that comforts, directs, and empowers us to live lives of worth for God’s kingdom.
God’s grace can restore any sin and God’s love is available to every single person. As we come to embrace God’s love for us, we are called to change our allegiance from whatever controls us over to God’s kingdom – that is repentance. We are then called to live lives worthy of the love God grants us: by respecting God’s will for our lives, by helping and serving others around us, and by telling people that they can be free in Jesus, too.
God gave us the Bible to instruct us, encourage us, challenge us, and guide us. It is the foundation of how we live our lives, and so we study it and cherish it. We hope you are a part of our church family already, but if you are not and want to join us, we are excited to welcome you.

Follow Us
To Stay
We've got A LOT going on right now and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon! Follow us on Facebook @ttpevv to stay up to date on all our our weekly happenings. As always, we look forward to seeing you on Sundays at 9:00 or 10:30 a.m.
Being known by God and knowing Him is the heart of our spiritual life. Trust is the core of our relationship.
Isolation is not God’s way for us. It enriches everyone to be surrounded by others who are exploring the way of Jesus.
We are blessed to share the hope of God with others because deep down we all seek a life of meaning.