Our Leadership
Our staff are the backbone of our church and servant leaders who guide us through each week whether it entails Sunday worship services, family events, youth activities or the many other ways that we bring our congregation together to serve God.

Catie Blythe
Director of Youth Ministry
Hi, I'm Catie Blythe and I have been the volunteer coordinator at the Turning Pointe since 2018.
In January 2024 I accepted the position as Director of Youth Ministry. I believe that God has placed me in this position for a reason. In the short amount of time that I have been Youth Director I have loved every minute leading and teaching everyone of my students about the love of God and how to be good servants. I have been blessed beyond belief everyday I get to come to work. I encourage our students to be the hands and feet of Jesus and go out into our community to help serve.

Stephanie Toon
Children's Ministry Director
Hi, I'm Stephanie Toon, and I have been the Director of Children’s Ministries at the Turning Pointe since 2021. I oversee the programs from birth through 5th grade, by planning lessons, activities and events that encourage Christ-centered learning and development in our preschool and elementary-aged youth. I work together with staff, families and volunteers to organize and encourage participation in various yearly activities such as VBS, youth Sunday and Live Nativity, as well as continually striving to find new ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth and families of our community and beyond.

Our family has grown here. The Turning Pointe has changed over the years and I feel called to be part of our exciting future together!
We moved from Texas in 2016 and were searching for a church home after we finally got settled in to our house on the westside. Since the first day we walked in, we have felt at home. What I love about TTP the most is the people. Everyone has been so welcoming and they are the friendliest people. I am proud to say that they are my church family.
We first started attending TTP in 2015. We felt at home from the first time we walked into the doors, and could feel Christ’s presence within the people of the church. I greatly enjoy working at TTP, as the opportunities to see God’s work being done within the families and kids is extremely rewarding. Children are so much fun to work with and I learn so much from them every week!