“WELCOME! Thank you for coming to worship with us!” These are powerful words when spoken to someone who has just entered a church for the first time. To the newcomer, the atmosphere can be confusing, noisy, hectic, and a little intimidating to a newcomer. And that’s where you, as a member of The Turning Pointe Hospitality Team, come in.
Studies have shown that newcomers to a church decide whether or not they’ll ever return within 10 minutes of entering the worship area. TEN MINUTES!! First impressions are being made as soon as someone new walks in the door: BEFORE the music starts and BEFORE the sermon is given. Therefore the first person a visitor encounters at The Turning Pointe is representing our entire congregation. As a member of the Hospitality Team, YOU will have the opportunity to show visitors what it might have been like to meet Jesus.
Is this for me?
If your Spiritual Gifts Inventory results suggest that one of your strongest gifts is in serving others, YOU would be perfect for our Hospitality Ministries team. You are someone who is good at making others feel comfortable and at ease. You are a “people person” who cares about others and encourages them to delve deeper in their walk with Jesus.
What would I be doing?
As a member of the Hospitality Ministries team, your job is to show worshippers (new or regulars) what interacting with Jesus might be like. Jesus was a servant leader. He led by example. He served others. He treated others as He wished to be treated. Like Jesus you need to be enthusiastic about serving, passionate about having fun, excited about working with a team of like-minded individuals and willing to serve the Lord with joy!
Sharing your Spiritual Gift of hospitality at The Turning Pointe is an opportunity to help improve the worship experience of everyone attending the service. It’s a chance to informally meet people with an easy conversation starter, i.e., “Welcome to The Turning Pointe!” or “Would you like a copy of The Talking Pointe?” or “Let’s find your nametag.” or “Would you like some punch or coffee?” Simple observations that are guaranteed make people feel valued and acknowledged. The purpose is to convey a WELCOMING and HELPFUL attitude to all who enter the sanctuary, whether members or visitors. This attitude is conveyed with words, facial expressions, actions and appearance.
At The Turning Pointe, we try to have four points of contact for everyone entering the Gathering Area: Outside Greeter, Talking Pointes Attendant, Name Tag Attendant and Cookie Table Attendant.
This page provides the most basic guidelines we ask of those who are sharing their Spiritual Gift of hospitality. All these things will – consciously and unconsciously – influence worshipers and set the tone for the encounter with God that is about to begin.
Thank you! Be sure to wear your name tag when you are serving in one of these roles!